So, I read a lot of history, and one thing you notice about history is that the majority of history before the 18th century, is a record of the deeds, thoughts, and opinions of societal and political elites What did the Roman soldier in Julius Caesar’s legion think of his general crossing the Rubicon? We don’t know.
We know what Caesar wrote and we know what a bunch of other Roman Elites wrote about Caesar, but we don’t know what the average citizen thought about Caesar.
The same obscurity shrouds the opinions, thoughts, and desires of the soldiers under his command We know very little about the men whose sword arms and marching feet won Caesar his historical renown.
Caesar gives us the impression that his men loved him as much as they loved battle, but without the supporting words of his men, how do we know this to be true? It’s like your boss telling everyone that you love your job and you love him as a boss. I’d rather hear it from the employee than the headman.
Did Caeesar’s soldier think the pay he received was fair remuneration for the soldiering duties he performed? Did he think the battles he was fighting were just battles that needed to be fought?? Did he gripe about the length of his campaigns or was he happy as a lark to be away from Rome for years on end, seeing foreign paces, and killing foreign peoples? Did he even like Caesar.?
There are no accounts of the soldiering grunts to give us answers to the above questions. But by contrast, as we advance through history, we get access to the opinions of the fighting man. We know the Civil War soldier’s political opinions about the justness or unjustness of the war he was fighting. We know how much the soldier hated his trench in WW1. And we have video footage of the Vietnam War soldier being interviewed during combat.
These more nuanced glimpses into society’s “grunts” is not just limited to the battlefield. We know the mindset of West Virginian coal workers, Caesar Chavez’s fruit pickers, and police officers and nurses. History is no longer just a record of presidents, kings, and priests. Now the single mother, drug addict, prostitute, and dog catcher is filling the historical pages with their opinions, writings, quotes, and voices.
In large part, this is thanks to technology. We have the printing press,the tape recorder, the video camera, and all other data-capturing devices and means that have given the historian a much more profound pallet to work from as he paints the canvas of history.
Now this brings me to the internet.
In the future, historians will use today’s internet to recreate our mindsets and views for their contemporary audiences. They will mine Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to see what we thought of things like Taco Tuesday or the first artificial intelligences. They might even be interested in our political opinions.
But the historian will not be content with only using public forums for their datasets. He will dig deeper. He will check phone records. He’ll check GPS data. He will even use IP addresses.
Oh yes, the IP address. This will be a treasure trove for the historian. He will be able to map a person’s browsing history from the moment they first log onto the internet to the day they die. It won’t matter how many times you moved in your life or how many IP addresses you used and changed, thanks to your Google account or iMessage and iCloud, he will find all the IP addresses you ever had. And he will know every website you visited.
This means the future will know how many times a day you wanked and what kind of material you wanked to.
You sick bastard.
We will all be dead, so the ethical questions about keeping our privacy will go out the fucking window. Your wanking history will be published and shared without a care in the world as to whether it’s embarrassing to you or not. Because you’re dead and your opinion does not matter.
Hell, your wanking history might even be a part of your great great great grandson’s freshman college project. He might be in a class where the project is to find and reconstruct your ancestor’s internet history and write a 4,000-word essay about it. He might title the essay: “My Grandpa beat his meat to Tranny porn every day for ten years straight.”
You sick bastard.
This is the legacy you leave your descendants? How could you?
Well, enough of what the future human beings think. Here’s some porn.:

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